Repair Locks
Do you want your locks fixed properly by an expert?
Phone 0419 791 720 now !
Brisbane Right Price Locksmith is a Qualified Locksmith and can repair locks that are existing and replace them with new locks.
Do you have broken locks? We can repair locks and install new locks correctly to manufactures specifications.
Are your locks broken, hard to use, or simply tarnished? If so, don’t despair. We can perform lock repairs or replace locks at your premises.
When we repair locks, the most common household locks we replace are your standard aluminium security screen door locks. Screen door lock repairs are a daily occurrence. This includes sliding screen door locks and triple locks.
Repair Screen Door Locks
Is your screen door lock stuck? Do you have a screen door lock broken or hard to use? When we repair screen door locks there are a variety of options to consider. We can install perspex security shields that prevent a person cutting the screen mesh and unlocking the door with their fingers. We can also upgrade your lock cylinder to one that is compatible with keying alike to other Lockwood Locks. Screen door lock repairs require us to replace security screen door locks on a daily basis.
Repair Deadbolts & Knobsets
We are also called upon to replace knobsets and deadlocks that are broken. When performing lock repairs in Brisbane we see a variety of reasons for the breakages. Some of these breakages occur due to incorrect initial installation methods, often performed years earlier. Some simply fail due to age and use. We replace Lockwood deadlocks, Whitco deadlocks, Yale locks and mortice locks. Gainsborough, Lane and Carbine brands are also replaced as necessary. We also perform lock repairs after break-ins. Unfortunately too many people wait until after they have been robbed to upgrade their security.
Broken Keys In Locks!
I can remove broken keys from screen door and roller door locks.
If you make the mistake of snapping a key off in a lock, the best advice is – call us. Don’t try and get it out yourself! We can get it out very easily with fine tools that are meant for this job. Normally when people try to get it out themself they push it in deeper. I have seen people get super glue or blue tac to try and reattach the old head of the key. Those ideas don’t work ! Just call a locksmith. And resist the natural human urge to try and push another key into the lock after the broken one! I have never seen a lock that has an endless hole where broken keys can keep dropping in to. The broken key needs to come back out the way it went in.

Lock Keying When Your Locks Are Repaired
When you engage our service to repair locks for you we will consult you to ascertain your expectations regarding your keying. Your new lock is supplied with two keys from the manufacturer. But we can alter the new lock to suit an existing key that you may have. Thereby reducing the number of keys you have to carry. Hence if you are interested in investigating this option we will need to gain an overview of the rest of your keying arrangements. Consequently, in some instances it may be better to rekey and key alike several of your door locks whilst we are onsite to cut down the number of keys you have to carry around.
Miscellaneous Lock Repair Problems
Another common problem we see is grease in locks that are 15 or 20 years old that has become hard. Unfortunately it goes hard like glue rather than lubricating like grease is supposed to do. This problem manifests itself in a lock that has seized up. It is usually a good quality lock that has stood the test of time, but been let down by the grease hardening. This is time consuming to fix as it often requires all minor components to be individually cleaned.
Repair Locks Brisbane
Other lock repairs that we frequently deal with are issues related to subsidence. Due to varying moisture content of the soil, leaking pipes, decaying stumps and building alterations such as decks adding extra weight. These can all make the ground and door frame move enough that the locks no longer line up. We can usually rectify this by simply adjusting the location of the striker plate for you.
Renting and Emergency Lock Repairs
Are you renting and need a Lock Repair?
This section applies to After Hours Emergency Locksmith Repairs.
Usually Night Time, Weekends and Public Holidays.
Provided your accommodation is NOT Rooming Accommodation in Queensland: such as boarding houses, hostels and off-campus rooming style student accommodation.
Provided your accommodation IS a General Tenancy Agreement
You MAY be eligible to be reimbursed for money spent on emergency lock repairs if your lock has;
a fault or damage that makes premises unsafe or insecure;
a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant of premises
Recent Example
First of all, a recent example of this situation was a tenant with a bedroom door lock that had failed on Sunday evening. As a result locking her and her family out of that room. Causing major disruption. The tenant’s work uniforms, school uniforms, mobile phone, car keys, purse, list of agents nominated repairers etc. were all locked inside the bedroom. Due to the lock failure the tenant was effectively stranded inside her house.
Naturally the tenant was unable to contact the property manager being late at night.
The Solution
The tenant had no choice but to engage an after hours Locksmith Brisbane. I responded to the call to conduct an emergency entry. Effecting repair, I had to first remove the broken lock from outside the room. This kind of lock repair is difficult as the lock mounts from inside the room and the screws are on the inside of the room. After gaining entry I then repaired the lock by replacing it with a heavy duty knobset. Certainly one that will last a lifetime. While I performed my work the tenant remarked the following.
The Tenant Stated
“The agent should pay me back for this Lock Repair from what I’m reading.”
“I’m reading the legislation inforce from the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008.” “Section 219 Costs of Emergency Repairs”, she said.
She noted that the tenant may require the lessor to reimburse the tenant for emergency repairs up to the amount equivalent to 2 weeks rent.
Furthermore she noted that the lessor would need to reimburse her within 7 days.
“In order to cover myself I will need to do the following.”
She Continued
“The requirement to reimburse must
be made by written notice given to the lessor; and
supported by appropriate documentation: and
state that if the lessor does not comply with the requirement within 7 days after receiving the notice, the tenant may apply to a tribunal for an order about the reimbursement or payment of the amount”
Based on content from the Queensland Legislation website at 21 June 2024. For the latest information on Queensland Government legislation please go to
Furthermore, should the agent refuse to reimburse you for your emergency lock repair there is always the RTA (Residential Tenancies Authority) dispute resolution service.
Details of which can be found by visiting their website
Most noteworthy, a close examination of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 can be made at the following link as at 21 June 2024.
Brisbane Right Price Locksmith uses only quality products and workmanship to repair locks.
In addition, we are Trade Qualified Locksmiths with many years of industry experience and expertise. Call now to arrange an estimate to fix those hard to use locks.
Brisbane Right Price Locksmith’s mobile service technician can be reached by phoning 0419 791 720

Common phrases we hear are our lock is jammed. Our door lock is broken. We need the lock fixed. Need a few locks repaired. We need the locks changed the locks need some attention. A few locks aren’t working. Repair locks and locks repaired. All of these are areas we can help with.